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No Filming - Islington Schools

It is important to keep children and adults safe at school. Filming outside the school gates can put people at risk. Schools already have robust phone and filming policies for pupils, and now Islington Council have partnered with LGFL, to support schools to update these policies to include No Filming, including for the wider community and media.  


LGfL has generously sponsored the cost of a first sign for all Islington school gates. The signs include a URL to where people will find a video explaining why this policy update is important. LGFL Online Policy templates will also be updated to include this new focus ready for September 2024.

Picture of new sign available to schools about no filming

How to order

Signs are now available to order ready for September 2024 with the order form available here  (Deadline 30 May) Note that returned forms should be emailed to AND 
Islington schools have been fortunate to receive sponsorship from LGfL for the purchase of these signs. Depending on the number of Islington schools who complete this order form by the deadline of 30th May 2024 we hope to fund the cost of the first sign of each order received. We appreciate that some schools may wish to order more than one sign, therefore Signs Scott Ltd have agreed with Islington council and LGfL to offer further signs which will be supplied at a discounted price. 
Non-Islington schools wanting to order a sign can contact to have a customised sign with relevant logos created (non-funded currently).

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.